The Founding Goals of ONE To protect, develop and promote the cultures, natural and historical heritage, and social and economic life of Turkey at the national and international levels by:


  • Informing, educating and raising awareness nationally and internationally about our cultural heritage as well as historical and natural richness through event organizations, exhibitions, meetings, campaigns and other activities,
  • Ensuring the preservation and sustainability of our values through national and international activities, as well as supporting such activities in any way necessary,
  • Carrying out national and international activities for the conservation and promotion of our cultural heritage and collaborating with the relevant public and private organizations,
  • Conducting or supporting communications, media, art and event organization related work to carry our cultural values onto international platforms and create continuous and permanent communication and interaction,
  • Undertaking or supporting research and publications related to our cultural, social and economic life, endorsing such work and researchers, as well as making an effort to ensure the effectiveness of such work,
  • Maintaining contact and collaborating with any national and international organizations, institutions, foundations, associations or individuals in relation to the interest areas of our association or supporting existing work,
  • Being actively involved in Turkey’s cultural, tourism and promotion related strategies and carrying out related work, and
  • Increasing the recognition of Turkey as a brand.

Our founding philosophy can be outlined as maintaining the continuity and interaction of our traditional and contemporary values, and contributing to the future of our country by forming bridges spanning the globe within the scope of Turkey’s cultures, natural and historical heritage as well as its social and economic life.