Göbekli Tepe Trip with the Turkish Media (06.06.2014)

ONE Association organized a trip to Göbekli Tepe Archaeological Site with the members of the Turkish media to explain its structure, mission and vision as well as the importance of Göbekli Tepe

International Media Meeting (18.08.2014)

ONE Association held a meeting at the Pera Palace Hotel to explain its structure, mission and vision as well as the importance of Göbekli Tepe to the members of the international media.

Ambassadors Invitation (22.09.2014)

ONE Association held a dinner reception at its Honorary Chairperson Çiğdem Simavi’s residence to explain its structure, mission and vision as well as the importance of Göbekli Tepe to the ambassadors in Turkey.

Meeting with World Heritage Committee Members (11-12-13.10-2014)

ONE Association hosted Kishore Rao, Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, as well as Senegalese, South Korean, Kazak, Polish, Lebanese, German, Qatari and Malaysian Delegates to the World Heritage Committee and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Princess Firyal of Jordan, in Istanbul to explain Göbekli Tepe’s importance. Two dinners were given at Zarif Mustafa Paşa Mansion and at the residence of ONE’s founding member Tilda Tezman. Rao and the Committee Members attended the Bosphorus and the Historical Peninsula tours organized by the ONE Association.

Paris UNESCO Headquarters Visit (7-9 December 2014)

ONE Association visited the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris in regards to NGO partnership application. Together with Turkey’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Botsalı, the details of partnership and the possible projects were discussed with Kishore Rao, Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Vesna Vujicic-Lugassy, Chief of Unit at UNESCO’s Culture Sector, and other UNESCO representatives.

Dinner in honor of Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO (06.01.2015)

ONE Association hosted Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, at our Founder Ms. Demet Sabancı Çetindoğan’s residence Zarif Mustafa Paşa Mansion during her Turkey visit. Bokova emphasized the importance of non-governmental organizations’ role in the protection of cultural and historical heritages in her speech at the dinner which was attended by the Board Members and members of ONE Association.

Announcement of Europa Nostra-ONE Association Collaboration (17.01.2015)

ONE Association hosted Europa Nostra’s President Placido Domingo, Board Member Piet Jaspaert, Communication Advisor Wolter Braamhorst and Europa Nostra Turkey’s President Prof. Nuran Zeren Gülersoy at the Zarif Mustafa Paşa Mansion. The collaboration and the project based partnership of the parties in the realms of protection and world-wide promotion of Turkey’s cultural heritages was publicized.

UNESCO-Göbekli Tepe Conference, Press Conference and Cocktail by Turkish Embassy in Paris (21.01.2015)

ONE Association organized a conference titled “The Birth of Religion and Rise of Civilization: Göbeklitepe Neolithic Site” at the UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris. President of the ONE Association Demet Sabanci Çetindoğan, ONE’s founding member and historian Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Undersecretary Haluk Dursun, UNESCO General Director Irina Bokova, Turkey’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Botsalı, spoke at the meeting. A press conference was held at the Turkish Embassy in Paris followed by the cocktail reception hosted by ONE Association and Mr. Hakkı Akil, Turkey’s Ambassador to Paris. Guests included German Minister of State Maria Böhmer, who is primarily responsible for cultural relations and education policy, as well as thought leaders and influencers in the culture and archaeology fields