
With the aim of promoting Turkey as a brand through its cultural heritage and historical as well as natural treasures on international platforms, the ONE Association has taken great strides in creating awareness both nationally and internationally regarding “Göbekli Tepe – The World’s Oldest Sanctuary,” their first project, in order to ensure its inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Now, the Doğuş Group, one of the largest corporate groups in Turkey, has taken on a key role in the promotion of this fascinating world heritage site.

We are proud, on behalf of our whole country, of the Doğuş Group for being such a great supporter of this cause, and thus motivating us to work even harder. As the ONE Association, we are thrilled that the Doğuş Group has become the official “excavations and promotion sponsor” of Göbekli Tepe, and we congratulate them on this endeavor

We wish the Doğuş Group every success and pledge our support for them.